Arron Robinson

Adventures in China

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Well surprise, surprise. Here I am. Gather 'round the warmth of the old CRT monitor and listen close. For old Robinson's got a story that'll send shivers down yer spine.

The reason I haven't been posting is not because the internet is too slow out here in Harbin, China. The reason is because they have blocked selected web traffic for users, including blogs. It is clear that Communism is still festering beneath the transparent brown film of Capitalism. The government simply wants to constrict information going out of, and coming into the country. Another example is on my tv. I get 2 english speaking chanels, Discovery and the BBC World News. About 3 weeks ago when North Korea launched their successful nuclear tests, the media flooded the airways and our livingrooms with reports and newscasts of the birth of a new world super power. But not my living room, and not my neighbors. The government wasted no time in cutting off the audio feed to the BBC television signal, in an attempt to retain their ignorance and prevent its citizens from knowledge of an outside world. I am living very close to North Korea right now, and it pisses me off that they would try to keep us from information....thats the deal with the internet too. You can't find any information on communism or anything too sensitive tlike that. They monitor, restrict and filter EVERYTHING that you do on your computer.

I clued into this and did something about it. I found a program called Privoxy. It's kind of like a plugin I use with firefox which provides online annonimity. It routes your IP address through a different server everytime, allowing you to surf and skip without being noticed. It is the only reason you are reading this now. As soon as I installed it, I was able to get back onto and update my blog site....those fuckers. I have never seen anything like it.

Anyways, it looks like I have won the battle for now and will continue to keep you updated with exiting news here in Northern China. In the meantime, check out some of the new pics I grabbed recently. It snowed last week, but it didn't stay on the ground....its getting cold though. And the ice festival is coming soon! Talk to you soon. I hope everyone's life isn't too "Chaotic" right now. (Hang in there guys). Later.



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